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Health and Safety

Introwise has an extensive set of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) policies and procedures that are implemented within the organisation, in order to ensure both the quality and safety of services provided to its Clients. The SHEQ policies and procedures are on based on best-practice, and focus on all aspects of the business, including food safety, employee and client occupational health and safety (OHS), as well environment safety. 


The SHEQ system includes an OHS system, as well as a Food Safety Management System, which make reference to OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000 and HACCP. 


Training is an integral part of our system, as it equips our employees with information and knowledge essential to the operation of our organisation.


Introwise training is provided to all employees, on an on-going basis, with specific induction given to new employees. Training covers OHS, Food Safety Management, environmental safety, as well as customer service skills. On a weekly basis, SHEQ topics are shared with employees to continuously raise awareness on any pertinent SHEQ matters. Employees are encouraged to participate in weekly SHEQ topics and are often allocated a SHEQ subject on which they present to their peers. This not only raises awareness amongst staff on key issues, but also creates a sense of ownership.


In addition to the training programme implemented by the business, the SHEQ department carries out regular internal audits and inspections of the various operating units. Many of Introwise’s clients have their own OHS and SHEQ systems in place, over and above those that the company implements. Resultantly, the business is also subjected to audits undertaken by the client. 


To view our Food safety and quality policy, click here

To view our Safety, health and environment policy, click here

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